
Mark Your Calendars!

April 20, 2024

10 am - 1 pm

Masonic Lodge, Highland, Illinois

All children from surrounding schools, home schooling, art classes, dance studios, and theater  are invited to submit students to perform and to show their works. Plan to attend to support our local artists, musicians and thesbians. Click here for a registration form and flyer.

Highland Community School District #5

Triad School District #2

Wesclin Community School District #3

Breese Community Schools

Bond County Community Schools #2

Carlyle Community Schools #1

Registration form and Flyer



Saturday, April 20, 2024

Highland Masonic Lodge #583

  • 9:00 am - Set up of display area
  • 10:00 am -1 pm  Musicians, Actors and Visual Artists show their work
  • 1:00 pm  Refreshments are served and certificates given

Youth Present: Art, Music, Dance, Drama

The Highland Arts Council will highlight talented young artists of the region in the annual Arts in Action: Youth Arts Exposition in April at Highland Masonic Lodge 583 in Highland, Illinois from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

The Youth Arts Exposition is open to 6th-12th grade artists of all disciplines. Visual artists, dancers, musicians, writers and thespians will share their emerging talents with the public from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

The Highland Arts Council hopes to advance the youth of the community through their support, knowing that these young artists will one day be leaders in fostering the appreciation of the arts in the region. You can be the audience that celebrates these emerging artists. Everyone is encouraged to attend and support young artists in communities surrounding Highland. There is no charge to attend, but your presence is extremely valuable to the spirit of the young artists.

For more information, call 618-334-8033.
